
Enhance Your Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 20+ Effective Approaches to Attract More Clients

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Balancing client relationships, lead generation, and a packed schedule makes marketing a challenge. Yet, in a market with over 3 million active real estate licensees in the U.S., effective marketing is crucial.

In the competitive luxury real estate realm, a strategic marketing plan is essential. Here, we present 20+ proven real estate marketing ideas—some unconventional—to help you distinguish yourself.

Real estate SEO marketing ideas

1. Establish a Professional Website:

A polished website is your digital home and the cornerstone of your online marketing efforts. Regularly updating listings and offering clear guidance to potential buyers/sellers is crucial.

2. Target Your Ideal Audience:

Craft valuable content on your site to improve search rankings and resonate with potential clients. Align your content with what your ideal client seeks, incorporating their language and interests.

3. Optimize Your Google Business Profile:

Leverage satisfied clients to leave online reviews, boosting your credibility with potential leads.

4. Utilize Top Listing Platforms:

Explore platforms like Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, and to maximize exposure for your listings.

5. Ensure Mobile Compatibility:

With a significant percentage of home searches occurring via mobile devices, an easily navigable mobile site is imperative for retaining potential clients.

For comprehensive support in your real estate SEO strategy, explore further here.

Elevate Your Content Marketing:

6. Develop Relevant Blogs:

Offer informative blog posts catering to your ideal client’s needs, establishing your authority and trustworthiness.

7. Showcase Your Expertise:

Use your content to demystify aspects of real estate, potentially hosting seminars or collaborating with local businesses to create informative content.

Advertising Techniques:

8. Strategic PPC Ads:

Utilize Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads to target qualified leads effectively.

9. Retargeting Campaigns:

Re-engage visitors who didn’t convert by reminding them of your brand across various platforms.

10. Dedicated Landing Pages:

Tailor landing pages for different target audiences to streamline your messaging.

Leverage Social Media:

11. Consistent Posting:

Build a personable brand on social media aligned with your overall marketing strategy.

12. Optimize Hashtags:

Utilize appropriate hashtags to categorize and increase the reach of your content.

13. Engage with Your Audience:

Active engagement on social media humanizes your brand and fosters trust.

Local Marketing Tactics:

14. Embrace Local Sponsorships:

Support local initiatives or teams to engage with your community and generate leads.

15. Column Contribution:

Consider a regular column in local publications to showcase your expertise.

16. Partner with Local Businesses:

Forge partnerships with local vendors for mutual benefits and increased exposure.

Offline Strategies:

17. Blend Digital with Offline:

Combine traditional tactics like television and radio ads with digital marketing for a broader reach.

18. Branded Merchandise:

Utilize branded items as subtle yet effective marketing tools.

19. Implement Call Tracking:

Link online activities to offline calls, aiding in refining your marketing approach.

20. Craft Distinctive Business Cards:

Design cards that align with your brand, leaving a lasting impression.

More brilliant real estate marketing ideas


21. Branding and design

Your real estate website should feel like you, with your property listings looking as high-end as your homepage. Unique branding is one of the best ways to stand out from that crowd of 3 million we mentioned earlier. When home buyers are browsing and they come across your content, you want them to immediately know it’s yours.

To capture your vision and connect with your ideal client, invest in consistent, quality branding and design across your digital marketing, print ads, leaflets, and marketing packages.

22. Film video walkthroughs to share

Video content is incredibly popular online, and walkthroughs are a great way of sharing properties with a wider audience.

You can go all in and elevate your brand with a professionally produced video, or keep it casual with a self-filmed walkthrough that highlights the home (and your sparkling personality).

23. Drone photography

A real estate marketing idea for the 21st century, drones are more than just a Christmas present for your nephew. Homes with drone photography as part of their marketing package sold an average of 68% faster. If you’re interested, you can take the time to brush up on your pilot skills (or bring in the professionals) and show potential buyers a bird’s eye view of what’s on offer.

24. Virtual staging

Want to whet your buyers’ appetite? Giving them a virtual tour of your listings can save you time, speed up the home-buying process, and increase your capacity to bring in more leads. By setting up a virtual staging website, you allow prospective buyers to browse at all hours, drawing them in while you have their interest.

25. Open house partnerships

Think outside the box and use your personal network of local businesses to create a unique open house experience. Ask them to promote your listings in-store or on their own websites, and invite them to set up shop in different rooms of your open house. This is a great way to get more people through the door.

26. Ask for referrals

We all prefer a recommendation when we’re shopping around. And past clients are an invaluable source of lead generation. Why not follow up with a client a few weeks after they’ve settled into their new home? You could send them a gift or simply email asking how they’re settling in and whether they know anyone else looking to buy or sell their home.

27. Create or join a referral network

If you need access to a referral network in your area, consider starting one. In most networks, a central coordinator tracks which agents have received customer contact information to determine who is next in line for a referral in the buyer’s region. Or, you can connect with top-producing agents, get more quality referrals, and bring in more business with Luxury Presence’s exclusive real estate networking app.

28. Nurture your audience

Once you have a lead, you need to nurture it. Email marketing campaigns are one of the best ways to do this. You can set up automated funnels to introduce yourself to new contacts or send out relevant listings as they come in. This kind of engagement means that your contacts feel connected and you stay top of mind

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