
How to Increase Referrals from Your Past Clients

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Strategies to Boost Referrals from Your Previous ClientsWhile expanding your network and generating fresh leads is important, for your luxury real estate business, focusing on cultivating and executing a referral strategy can be even more beneficial. Nothing builds trust with a new client quite like positive words from someone they already know. Regardless of your expertise, the endorsements of your past clients carry the most weight in establishing your reputation and brand.

Although it may feel awkward, not leveraging this strategy could mean missing out on future successes. If each client refers you to just two friends, and even a fraction of those friends become clients who refer you to others, you’ll have a growing stream of warm leads familiar with your exceptional services.

Here are five tips to improve your referral process and reap the rewards of your efforts as word spreads about your outstanding service.

Timing is KeyOne common mistake luxury real estate agents make is asking for referrals either too early or too late. If you ask for a referral immediately after a client closes on their dream home, they might be too preoccupied with the moving process to respond. On the other hand, asking six months later may come off as insincere or desperate.

Instead, find the right balance. Consider reaching out a few weeks after closing to check in and offer assistance if needed. This timing shows that you value the client's experience and are not just seeking referrals.

Stay ConnectedYour past clients are part of your network. Even if it's been years since you worked with them, make an effort to keep in touch. For local clients, consider dropping off small gifts or sending occasional mailers. For those farther away, schedule regular calls to catch up and offer your expertise. By staying connected, you remain top-of-mind for future real estate needs and can naturally ask for referrals.

Provide ValueKeep your past clients engaged by sharing valuable content. Use your email list and newsletters to provide market updates and insights. This keeps you in their thoughts and positions you as a knowledgeable resource when they need real estate advice or referrals.

Make it EasyWhen asking for referrals or reviews, make the process as simple as possible for your clients. Provide exceptional service to ensure they have positive things to say about you. When requesting reviews, offer clear instructions and links to different review sites. The easier it is for clients to leave a review, the more likely they are to do so.

Ask for ReferralsFinally, don't be afraid to ask for referrals. After completing a transaction, express your gratitude to the client and mention your goal to grow your business through referrals. Tailor your request based on your relationship with the client, and be sincere in your ask.

While asking for referrals may feel uncomfortable at first, it will become easier with practice. By implementing these strategies, you can create a steady stream of referrals and grow your luxury real estate business.